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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

Elemental and Structural Analysis in the SEM with EDS, WDS, and EBSD

October 25 & 26, 2023

Virtual Workshop with in-person demos

Hosted by NUANCE Center & Oxford Instruments

Join the EPIC-SEM facility and Oxford Instruments Nanoanalysis for a 2-day workshop covering all things microanalysis! This hybrid workshop includes two mornings of special guest speakers and Oxford applications specialist talks on Zoom. The talks will focus on applications of, and recent advances in SEM-based chemical analysis using EDS and WDS, as well as crystallography analysis using EBSD, and TKD.


Need some help with your sample and want to learn from Oxford? Oxford Instruments will be sending two specialists in WDS/EDS/EBSD to the SEM facility on these days to sit down with you and your sample at the microscope! If you’re interested in a one-on-one, hands-on work session with an Oxford specialist, be sure to sign up for a demo using the link!   Demo Sign-Up

Workshop Agenda - October 25, 2023 

9:30 AM How to build a planet: using EDS and SEM-WDS to classify new meteorites and unravel their histories
Dr. Jennifer Mitchell, Electron Microprobe Laboratory Manager
Characterization Facility and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota
10:30  AM Break
10:35 AM Unique Detectors for High-resolution EDS and Real-Time Elemental Imaging
Richard McLaughlin
12:00 - 5:00 PM In-Person Demos

Workshop Agenda - October 26, 2023 

9:30 AM Advancing EBSD and TKD – new algorithms, more dimensions, and new detectors
Dr. Ben Britton, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering
The University of British Columbia - Vancouver Campus
10:30 AM Break
10:35 AM Overcoming EBSD Indexing Challenges with Pattern Matching
Mike Hjelmstad, Oxford Instruments
12:00 - 5:00 PM In-Person Demos
