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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

ChiTech Academy Visits NUANCE

The NUANCE Center had the honor of welcoming back 24 students from Chicago Tech Academy High School to tour our facilities. EPIC’s Core Scientist Krysten Villalon took half of the group to see a variety of instruments in our AB space, including SEMs, TEMs, and FIBs. The other half stayed with EPIC’s Assistant Core Scientist Nick Gogola to look at samples on the Hitachi S-3400N-II SEM. The students were amazed to see cat whiskers, yeast, and flower petals on the nanoscale. 

Thanks so much to Kathleen Stair, McCormick School of Engineering, for organizing the visit! And thank you Krysten and Nick for your expert support with the tour and demo!! 

Krysten Viialon tour guide
EPIC SEM Core Scientist Krysten Villalon shows the students the many capabilities of the different Scanning Electron Microscopes 
Nick G.  sharing a sample on the SEM
Nick Gogola, EPIC SEM Core Scientist prepares a sample on the Hitachi S-3400N