Dr. Feng Wang Visits NUANCE
On January 18, 2024, NUANCE and SHyNE Resource were happy to host Dr. Feng Wang, Senior Materials Scientist in the Applied Materials Division at Argonne National Laboratory. While here, Dr. Wang presented his talk: Battery Innovation Through In-Situ Spectroscopy and Metrology-from Materials Design to Manufacturing to a full room of faculty and students.
Dr. Wang shares that his talk was an overview of the the research needs and latest developments in battery materials development and engineering. Examples from his latest research were provided to demonstrate how in situ spectroscopy and metrology can facilitate materials design and the process design, optimization and scale-up for large-scale manufacturing, closing the loop from lab discovery to scalable production. The talk concluded with a lively discussion on alternative battery chemistries and emerging opportunities for collaboration among national laboratories, universities, and industry to drive the next wave of battery innovation.
Thanks Dr. Wang for sharing some of the exciting new battery innovation and production techniques on the horizon!