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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

STEM Shadow Day

On May 31, 2024, the NUANCE Center was excited to participate in the STEM Shadow Day at Northwestern University.  STEM Shadow Day allows students from Evanston Township High School to shadow NU researchers and staff.

This year, the NUANCE Center had the opportunity to host 5 students! The high school students had the opportunity to shadow NUANCE SEM Facility Manager, Tirzah Abbott and Dravid Research Group Student, Kelly Matuszewski in their labs.

The students learned about Scanning Electron Microscopy and working on an electron microscope!

Learn more about this unique partnership between Northwestern and ETHS!

Kelly Matuszewski goes over some microscopy basics with ETHS students


Showing the basics of the Hitachi S-3400 SEM


SEM Facility Manager, Tirzah Abbott showing some samples to ETHS st