NUANCE Center Host Schmidt Science Fellows
The NUANCE Center was honored to host the Schmidt Science Fellows for a series of short tours on Friday, November 17th as part of the 2023 Senior Fellows Conference hosted by Northwestern University.
EPIC SEM Facility Manager, Tirzah Abbott, guided the fellows through our space in the Technological Institute’s AB wing before taking them to our EPIC TEM Facility Manager, Dr. Xiaobing Hu. The group saw our SEM, TEM, and FIB capabilities in both locations in the Technological Institute, which included instruments from our other facilities SPID, BioCryo, and Keck-II. These interdisciplinary science professionals feature post-doctoral scholars, industry leaders, and academic faculty.
Thank you so much to Ryan Truby, Yogesh Goyal, and Kristi Hubbard for including the NUANCE Center in the visit for the Schmidt Science Fellows Conference!