NUANCE attends IMC 20
The International Microscopy Congress is the Olympics of microscopy, which is held every four years. The 20th conference was held in Busan, South Korea September 10-15, 2023 and NUANCE's EPIC - TEM technical staff Dr. Xiaobing Hu, Kunmo Koo, PhD and Roberto dos Reis, PhD, were able to attend! Dr. Kunmo gave a presentation titled “Palladium-Hydrogen Interactions at the Atmospheric Pressure Enabled by the Ultrathin (UT) Window SiNx Gas Cell”. Dr. Hu gave a presentation titled “In Situ/Operando Observation of the Facet Regulation Mechanisms of Tetrahexahedral (THH) Pt Nanoparticles”.
Additionally, Dr. Hu presented an invited talk titled “Towards the Renaissance Era in Electron Microscopy: From In-Situ Microscopy to High Throughput & AI-enabled Discovery” on behalf of Prof. Vinayak P. Dravid. Also, in attendance were several previous NUANCE staff and VPD Group doctoral students making for a fun mini-reunion!
After the conference, our technical staff were invited by Prof. Jong Min Yuk to visit Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), and took a tour of their exciting facilities.