SHyNE Welcomes 2023 RET's and REU'S
On June 20, 2023, SHyNE and the NUANCE Center were excited to welcome the 2023 Summer REU and RET participants to the program. This summer, SHyNE is hosting 5 Research for Undergraduate Experience students, as well as 4 teachers (Research Experience for Teachers) from local high schools. to participate in summer research programs. The RETs will also be working on creating a nanotechnology-based curriculum for their classrooms.
At the end of the first week, we hosted a tour of the SHyNE facilities based on the Evanston Campus and had a welcome party for our participants and their mentors with a welcome from NUANCE & SHyNE Director, Vinayak P. Dravid. It was s a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other, meet the staff, as well as kick-off the summer!