NUANCE Hosts Midwest Microscopy and Microanalysis Spring Meeting!
NUANCE and M3S celebrate advancements in electron microscopy for their Spring Meeting
The Midwest Microscopy and Microanalysis (M3S) Spring Meeting found a new venue in Northwestern University’s Norris Student Center for its event on Friday, March 24th, 2023. The collaboration between the NUANCE Center, SHyNE Resource, and the M3S Society with support from NU’s Material Research Science Engineering Center created a fantastic gathering of academics, industry professionals, and students. There were nearly 70 attendees for the research talks all surrounding the topic of “Advances in Multi-Dimensional Electron Microscopy”. Keynote speaker Prof. Jian-Min Zou of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign presented remotely on the renaissance of electron diffraction and structural imaging.
The line up of speakers included PhD candidates and academic professionals from the University of Illinois Chicago and Northwestern University, as well as research scientists from Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratory. To complement their research on electron microscopy, new and returning vendors of instruments and related equipment gathered in the Wildcat room, overlooking the lakefill and across north campus. This year included representatives from AMT, JEOL, ThermoFisher Scientific, Microscopy Innovations, Hitachi, Zeiss, Gatan, Tescan, Oxford Instruments, Protochips, NCI, and DMS. The event brought together professionals of all kinds in a sharing of tricks of the trade, advancements in technology, and connect over a shared love of microscopy.
During the business meeting, our team member Dr. Xiaobing Hu was selected as the Materials Sciences Director of this local microscopy society.
Thank you so much to those who could make it and to the M3S planning committee for making this event possible. We hope to see you next year!