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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

NUANCE visits with Columbia College Photographers

On February 15, 2023, BioCryo Core Scientist, Eric Roth & Communications Manager, Katy Dean from the NUANCE Center traveled to Chicago to discuss the NUANCE Image Contest and the process of imaging using electron microscopes with Columbia's Chicago Now Photography class.

At the invitation of Gina Grillo, a Professor of Photography at the College, they did a short talk on the history of the image contest, how it has evolved, and how science and art collide.

Eric Roth provided a more detailed look at the mechanics of imaging with an SEM and the differences and similarities with traditional photography. They also discussed PhotoShop techniques as well as general tips on how to market yourself as an artist.

Katy & Eric were so excited to speak with such an engaged group of students and to reach out to an artistic audience and help bring the world of nanotechnology to everyone.

Eric Roth
Eric Roth takes questions for the students!

Eric Roth
Eric discusses imaging samples at the nanoscale.