RET's Return!
SHyNE Resource, a member of the NNCI Collaborative Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program, was excited to host five local area teachers this summer! The six-week program, consisting of mentorship and practical lab experience, offers local High School and Community College teachers the opportunity to experience the excitement of nanotechnology research and to share this experience in their classrooms.
As part of the program, the RET's will travel to the 2023 NSTA conference and share their experiences with other teachers from around the nation. We are also so excited for RET Daniel Jalkut who was accepted to the 2022 NSF EEC Grantees Conference as an invited RET site participant.
The six weeks flew by, and SHyNE said goodbye to our RET's with a celebration and posters! The RET's were able to present to their mentors and staff a poster they created on their research during the summer - followed by some liquid Nitrogen ice cream making!
A big thank you to all the SHyNE facilities who provided their time and resources as mentors for the program, including NUANCE, NUCAPT, IMSERC, and NUFAB.
Learn more about the RET program here!