SHyNE RET attends NSTA-Houston
SHyNE Resource, as part of the NNCI Collaborative RET program, was excited to attend the National Science Teachers Association meeting in Houston, TX and help promote the NNCI and nanotechnology to teachers from across the country.
The NSTA Conference was held March 31 – April 2, 2022. The NSTA’s annual meeting brings together science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, industry representatives, and others in the science education field from all over the United States with 3,000 – 4000 teachers and administrators attending!
The NNCI shared a vendor booth with the NNCO (National Nanotechnology Coordination Office) and the Hitachi Corporation, who came with their tabletop SEM to directly engage the teachers. Representing SHyNE and the Northwestern University portion of the RET program, was Katy Dean, Outreach Coordinator and RET Program Administrator, and 2021 program alumnus Jon Paskiewicz, a Chicago Public Schools Teacher.
The other NNCI Collaborative RET sites were also represented. Georgia Tech by Quinn Spadola & Leslie O’Neill and their RET teachers, Danielle Malcom, Wanda Harding, Stephanie O’Donoghue, Rob Morton, and Luther Richardson. University of St. Paul, MN, by Jim Marti, RET Program manager, and teachers Anne Johnson and Chris Lenius. Lastly, University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s teacher, Chris Deeter.
Helping to provide information to the teachers, our RET alumni were also promoting their great experiences in the inaugural RET program launch in 2021.
After last year’s conference was canceled due to the pandemic, it was great to see so many educators!