NUANCE Fest 2020 Goes Virtual!
Friday October 9, 2020 on National Nano Day, NUANCE held our annual NUANCE Fest with a great turn out! This year, in order to follow health protocols, we celebrated virtually with each of our state-of-the-art facilities hosting a virtual tour with live Q&A, culminating with the announcement of our Art of Science Image Contest winners! Professor Dravid, NUANCE's Facility Director, was able to attend every facility highlight to the delight of all involved!
Thank you to our wonderful staff who put in extra time and effort to make this year's virtual NUANCE Fest special! And thank you to all our guests who tuned in, asked wonderful questions, and shared in our celebration! We can't wait to get together again next year (hopefully in-person!) and showcase our world-class facilities!
Be sure to swing by our Image Contest webpage and see the full list of this year's "Art of Science" Image contest winners as well as our YouTube channel for cool videos of NUANCE!