Professor Vinayak P. Dravid's Research Featured on the Department of Energy's Office of Science Website
The Department of Energy's Office of Science website features an article based on research by Professor Vinayak P. Dravid. The article notes how a new method to view atoms, dubbed an "atomic dance", offers new insight into the actions of 2D materials.
From the research article itself: "In this study, in situ transmission electron microscopy techniques are utilized in order to understand the structural dynamics at play, especially at interfaces and defects, in the prototypical film of monolayer MoS2 under electrical bias. Through our sample fabrication process, we clearly identify the presence of mass transport in the presence of a lateral electric field. In particular, we observe that the voids present at grain boundaries combine to induce structural deformation."
This research was also highlighted on the and AZONano websites!