Dr. Gajendra Shekhawat co-authors an article in Science Advances Magazine's February Issue
In an article published February 14th 2020 for Science Advances Magazine, Dr. Gajendra Shekhawat from NUANCE's SPID (Scanned Probe Imaging and Development) Facility, co-authored a research paper entitled "Structured Silicon for Revealing Transient and Integrated Signal Transductions in Microbial Systems".
As stated in the abstract, ". . .we developed multiscale and structured silicon (Si) materials as nongenetic optical transducers capable of modulating the activities of both single bacterial cells and biofilms at high spatiotemporal resolution. . . ." The results of the experiments carried out for this research suggest that, "functional integration of Si materials and bacteria, and associated control of signal transduction, may lead to hybrid living matter toward future synthetic biology and adaptable materials." So cool!
The full article is available to read here.