SHyNE Represents NNCI at MRS Conference
At the beginning of December, John Ciraldo, Research Associate with SHyNE's Nano-Fabrication Unit, and Mark Karver, Director of Northwestern's Peptide Synthesis Core Facility, attended the 2019 MRS Fall Conference held in Boston. John and Mark, along with NNCI Deputy Director, Dr. David Gottfried, represented the NNCI from their booth at the conference's User Facility Row.
According to the MRS website, this conference is the "world's foremost international scientific gathering for materials research" and the purpose of the MRS meeting is to showcase "leading interdisciplinary research in both fundamental and applied areas presented by scientists from around the world."
The NNCI booth had a steady stream of visitors and Mark & John were able to share a bit about SHyNE as well as get the word out about NNCI! Thanks Mark and John for representing!