Exciting News from NUFAB
Throughout the month of August, Northwestern’s Nano-Fabrication Facility (NU-FAB) has had some exciting upgrades. Not only do they have a newly installed Atomic Force Microscope, the AFM Bruker Edge is the first AFM inside Cleanroom Core Facility Across Campus available to users, BUT they have also been able to upgrade three acid hoods in the newly expanded wet etching bay!
The addition of the AFM Bruker Edge will go far to support nanofabrication in NUFAB's state of the art cleanroom, without additional particle contamination issues; which is a total win,win!
The upgraded the acid waste disposal system, in addition to a few new conveniences installed for users, means bigger working area; no more waste bottles; new microscope for quick sample check; and status lights for occupancy. And the best part is that it is all available to use now!