New Research Published in Nature Communications
Professor Vinayak P. Dravid and Professor Jinsong Wu co-authored a new publication in Nature Communications. The article examines how different crystalline defects can affect lithium-manganese oxide electrodes via dynamic imaging.
From the paper's abstract: One stacking fault with a fault vector b/6[110] and low mobility contributes minimally to oxygen release from the structure. In contrast, dissociated dislocations with Burgers vector of c/2[001] have high gliding and transverse mobility; they lead to the formation, transport and release subsequently of oxygen related species at the surface of the electrode particles. This work advances the scientific understanding of how oxygen participates and the structural response during the activation process at high potentials.
Professor Jinsong Wu is currently the executive director for Nanostructure Research Center at Wuhan University of Technology and was formerly the TEM facility manager for the NUANCE Center EPIC Facility.
This research made use of the NUANCE EPIC Facility with support from the SHyNE and the MRSEC program at the Materials Research Center.