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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

NUANCE participates in IIN's All Scout Nano Day!

NUANCE was thrilled to participate in the International Institute for Nanotechnology’s All Scout Nano Day on April 6.

This annual event brings Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Venturing Crew members to the Northwestern campus to learn about nanotechnology.

Scouts saw presentations about nanotechnology and what it’s like to be a nanoscientist. NUANCE’s Tirzah Abbott, who manages the EPIC facility, showed scouts a scanning electron microscope (SEM), which can be used to look at material science, biological, biomedical and geological samples.  The scouts also discussed with Tirzah why electronic microscopes are more advantageous than traditional light microscopes in nanoscale research.

Tirzah Abbott showing the scouts an SEM
Tirzah Abbott, SEM specialist showing the scouts how a microscope works