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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

NUANCE Director Professor Dravid visits JEOL, Japan

Professor Vinayak Dravid recently visited the headquarters and factory of leading microscope manufacturer JEOL in Japan.

Dravid spoke to a group of JEOL executives and engineers about the latest developments and trends at research universities in the United States and opportunities for collaborations.

Professor Dravid addresses the group

Professor Dravid, right, addressing JEOL executives and engineers


“We appreciate the presentation by professor Dravid,” said Yasui-san, a JEOL executive. “I am happy to learn researchers will be making the future brighter through the NUANCE Center.”

Professor Dravid addresses the group

Professor Dravid with JEOL executives and engineers


During his visit, Dravid also had the opportunity to enter JEOL’s clean room and get a sneak peek at all the latest microscope models.

Professor Dravid suited up to enter the cleanroom

Professor Dravid, left, with JEOL's Patrick Phillips, suited up to enter JEOL's cleanroom


Professor Dravid viewed JEOL's latest models

Professor Dravid, second from right, got to see the JBX-8100FS model in the cleanroom


Professor Dravid standing in front of a display at JEOL

Professor Dravid standing in front of a display at JEOL's headquarters


Professor Dravid and some JEOL executives enjoy dinner

Professor Dravid, JEOL USA's Patrick Phillips and two Japanese JEOL executives toast over a formal dinner


Professor Dravid and JEOL executives enjoy dinner and drinks

Professor Dravid, JEOL USA's Patrick Phillips and two Japanese JEOL executives enjoy beers and a casual dinner