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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

NUANCE staff attend USA Science and Engineering Festival

Amy Morgan and Joyce Park went to Washington D.C. to volunteer at the NNCI (National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure) booth at the USA Science & Engineering Festival, which was held April 6-8 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Although the expo was geared more toward “the next generation of scientists and engineers,” the exhibits educated and fascinated people of all ages. Their booth had video microscopes to allow people to view their clothes, hair, and other items at 50x magnification.

Of course NUANCE has microscopes that allow one to see things at the nanoscale level, but unfortunately they were unable to tote one of their enormous and almighty scanning electron microscopes with them to the show. They had a fun time seeing kids’ eyes widen when they told them how many nanometers are in one meter.

Children check out the NNCI booth.

Amy Morgan measures a child at the NNCI booth.