Provost Holloway visits NUANCE
EVANSTON, IL – The Northwestern University Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization Experimental (NUANCE) Center was excited to host Provost Jonathan Holloway for a tour of our world-class research facilities on Monday, August 28th.
NUANCE founding director Professor Vinayak Dravid accompanied Provost Holloway through EPIC, Keck-II and SPID facilities in Cook Hall, where they talked with graduate students about their current research, some of the new instruments, and how our shared facilities help them reach their academic goals. Provost Holloway and Professor Dravid also toured the new EPIC labs in Tech J-Wing, where the JEOL Aberration-Corrected Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (AC-S/TEM), which is currently being installed.
Provost Holloway supervises the educational policies and academic priorities of the University, encourages and coordinates initiatives in undergraduate and graduate education, oversees preparation of the university's annual budget, acts on faculty appointments and promotions, directs allocation of resources and space to academic units, and is the acting chief executive officer in the absence of the President.
NUANCE faculty and staff were excited to demonstrate how we drive Northwestern’s research, education, and outreach mission through efficient stewardship of critical shared resources.
Provost Holloway and Professor Dravid tour EPIC facility in Cook Hall and talk with MSE graduate student Jann Grovogui on his research. He is using the FEI Quanta 650 ESEM to identify different phases in thermoelectric materials through the use of orientation and chemical mapping