NUANCE Warmly Welcomes Dr. Yaobin Xu
The NUANCE team is pleased to announce its newest member, Dr. Yaobin Xu!
Dr. Yaobin Xu began his new role as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the NUANCE EPIC Facility in March 2017. Prior to this, Yaobin completed his PhD in Materials Physics and Chemistry at the Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, which is a part of the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received a B.E. degree (2010) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Central South University in Changsha, China.
Yaobin’s research has focused on specialized characterization and imaging techniques for ferroelectric thin films. He has extensive experience in the preparation of high-quality thin films by Pulsed Laser Deposition, and is skillful in operating TEM (FEI Titan 3TM G2 Cubed 60-300, Tecnai G2 F30 F20 T12, JEOL JEM2100 2010UHR 2010HR). Yaobin is also an expert in the quantitative analysis of TEM data by Geometric Phase Analysis (GPA) and Peak Finding, as well as in TEM and STEM image simulation by JEMS and QSTEM.
Yaobin likes to travel, and has a passion for photography and hiking. He is also a fan of soccer and cooking, and invites you to join him whenever you are free.
We warmly welcome Dr. Yaobin Xu, the newest member of the NUANCE team!