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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

NUANCE warmly welcomes Dr. Hee Joon Jung

Dr. Hee Joon Jung joined the NUANCE EPIC facility in 2016 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. He received his PhD inhee-joon-650-450-landscape Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2013, with a focus on the structural and electronic characterization of advanced energy-related nano-materials. Before that, Hee Joon completed his B.S. Materials Science and Engineering at Yonsei University in Seoul, in 2005. Prior to joining EPIC, Hee Joon was a postdoctoral fellow at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington, working for its Energy and Environment Directorate.

Hee Joon is a TEM expert who specializes in the characterization of energy materials using STEM-EELS and EDS. In addition, he has extensive experience in thin film and nanostructure fabrication, with two patents and dozens of publications and conference papers to his name. Hee Joon is also a lover of winter sports, and seeks out the mountains with his snowboard whenever he gets the chance.

We warmly welcome Dr. Hee Joon Jung, the newest member of the NUANCE team!