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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

The 2016 Scanning Probe Microscopy Short Courses and Training Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended the Scanning Probe Microscopy Short Courses and Training Workshop from April 21 to 22. It was a pleasure to sponsor this event with Bruker and host so many students, postdoctoral fellows, professors, researchers and science technical staff. A huge thank you also to our engaging speakers and presenters!


Event attendees enjoyed breakfast before the start of the Scanning Probe Microscopy Short Courses and Training Workshop.

getting breakfast

Event attendees grabbed coffee and a bite to eat before the first talk of the workshop.


Event attendees chat over breakfast.


University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate students Elizabeth Laudadio, Arielle Mensch, Isabel Foreman-Ortiz and Timothy Saunders found seats together before the start of the workshop.


NUANCE Center director and professor Vinayak Dravid and Applied Nanostructures  president Ami Chand conversed at the front of the room before the start of the workshop.


Professor Vinayak Dravid delivered the opening remarks for the 2016 Scanning Probe Microscopy Short Courses and Training Workshop.


Seventy-nine attendees, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, professors and research associates from various universities as well as science technical staff from several companies attended the 2016 workshop.


Dr. John Thornton, Bruker senior applications scientist, presented on the “Advanced in Quantitative NanoMechanical Analysis using SPM.”


Materials science and engineering associate research professor Gajendra S. Shekhawat introduced the next speaker, core facilities director Phil Hockberger.

Phil Hockberger

Phil Hockberger, associate vice president for research for the Office for Research, discussed the importance of educational courses in core facilities.

Dr Ami Chad

Dr. Ami Chand discussed the advances in the scanning thermal microscope.


Bruker Nano Surfaces technical support engineer Igor Titushkin explains the Bruker Dimension FastScan Atomic Force Microscope.

Igor titushkim presents

Students gather closely to listen to Igor Titushkim's explanation.

Dr. John Thornton

Dr. John Thornton provides demo and training for the Bruker ICON System.

pita inn lunch

SPM Workshop attendees enjoy their Pita Inn lunch.

lunch with Dr, Ami

During lunch time, event attendees converse with Dr. Ami Chand.


Northern Illinois University professor Carol Thompson and Fermilab postdoctoral fellow Yulia Trenikhina talk over lunch.

attendees eat lunch

Event attendees arranged their chairs in a circle for lunch time.

more lunch

Event attendees enjoyed their lunch.

GS introduces

Professor Gajendra S. Shekhawat introduces Dr. Ian Armstrong, Bruker Applications Scientist, to the audience.

Dr. Ian Armstrong

Dr. Ian Armstrong explains the recent developments in chemical identification with SPM.

taking notes

One event attendee taking notes during Dr. Ian Armstrong's presentation.

GS and Dr Chand chat

Dr. Ami Chand and professor Gajendra S. Shekhawat chat before the second day's events.

Dr. Ian Armstrong

Dr. Ian Armstrong started the second day's events with a talk on the scanning probe microscopy applications in life science imaging.

attending Dr, Armstrongs talk

Many event attendees listened attentively to Dr. Ian Armstrong's presentation.