Glenbrook South High School visits to Northwestern University
Glenbrook South High School visits to Northwestern University
March 4, 2016
50 Freshmen from Glenbrook South High School visited Northwestern University on Friday, March 4, 2016. They learned about Large-scale/"Mega" Engineering, and Nano/Molecular Engineering.
Prof. Vinayak Dravid gave a presentation and overview of engineering at Northwestern. The students took part in fascinating tours of the NUANCE Center, CAMI, and the Ford Building.
At lunch they were treated to pizza, pop, water, and a wonderful dessert!
Dr. Jinsong Wu explains the transmission electron microscope, and all the great things it can do.Karl Hagglund talks about the FIB, and all the awesome research that it's used for.Eric Miller explains the cool science we see on the scanning electron microscope. Students also got to see a couple of "What's It Made Of" videos by Eric Miller during lunch.Students and teachers enjoy a great lunch and presentation by Prof. Vinayak Dravid.Students and teachers enjoy a great lunch and presentation by Prof. Vinayak Dravid.Prof. Vinayak Dravid gave a presentation and overview about Large-scale/"Mega" Engineering, and Nano/Molecular Engineering.Students saw an awesome 3D presentation at CAMI by Justin Muir, Senior Animation SpecialistStudents saw a really cool 3D presentation at CAMI by Prof. Tom Meade, Director of CAMIDr. Xin Wang talks about the Bioscope research to students, and the fascinating application this has on medical research.Karl Hagglund talks about the FIB, and all the awesome research that it's used for.Eric Miller explains the cool science we see on the scanning electron microscope. Students also got to see a couple of "What's It Made Of" videos by Eric Miller during lunch.A Q&A with Prof. Vinayak Dravid!Group photo time!Glenbrook South High School students, their science teachers, and Prof. Vinayak Dravid!