Hysitron 950 Triboindenter
Instrument Details
- Integrated Heating (200 ºC) and cooling (-10 ºC) stage for variable temperature operation.
- Advanced capabilities such as quasi static indentation and modulus mapping
- Dynamic modulus analyzer (nano DMA) module for loss and storage modulii extraction as well as scratch testing
- Integrated biological indentation capabilities and feedback based load and displacement controls
- Enables seamless operation of two testing heads (high and low load together)
- Enhanced real-time data plotting during indent and scratch tests
- Triboanalysis software features powerful curve-fitting routines for analysis of complex data
- Ultra-low contact force imaging, ideally suited for soft systems
- Noise floor < 30 nN and resolution < 1nN
- Normal displacement resolution < 0.2 nm
- Scanning wear features and feedback control scratch testing
Hysitron 950 Triboindenter

Facility Contact
Dr. Gajendra S Shekhawat
SPID Facility Manager
Office: Tech, #AG94
847-491-3204 / emailLocation
Technological Institute AG71