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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

Roberto dos Reis, PhD

Roberto dos Reis, PhD

Roberto dos Reis, PhD

Research Assistant Professor / Science Officer - Dravid Group

Office: Technological Institute #AG90 
(847) 467-0105


Research Objectives and Interests

Development and application of advanced methods for materials characterization based on Transmission  Electron  Microscopy, such  as  quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction  (CBED),  High-Resolution (S)TEM,  EDX  and  EELS, to  unravel structure-property relationship in energy and electronic materials. 

Application of new methods for electron diffraction, image simulation and analysis of multidimensional dataset using customized codes. 

 Educational And Research Background 

Current Scientific Officer, Materials Science and Engineering (Northwestern University, USA)
2014-2018 Materials Special Postdoc, NCEM/Molecular Foundry (LBNL, USA)
2009-2013 PhD Physics (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
2010-2013 Visiting Scholar, Materials Science Division (LBNL, USA)
2007-2009 M.Sc. Physics (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
2003-2007 B.Sc. Physics, (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)