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NUANCE: Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center

Dr. Reiner Bleher awarded for Applied Learning Project presentation

reiner bleherDr. Reiner Bleher hosted the 2016 CryoSEM workshop in hopes that focusing on one BioCryo method would help him reach a niche audience. From what he learned in a Kellogg Executive Education course, he anticipated the event would attract more audience members if he focused on one rather than a broad array of techniques. The workshop reached near maximum capacity at about 60 people. 

Taking what he learned from that day, Dr. Bleher, EPIC/BioCryo facility manager and research assistant professor, gave an Applied Learning Project (ALP) presentation on increasing customer base through outreach. For his presentation, he received an award of $750, which he plans to use to support future EPIC/BioCryo facility outreach events. Congratulations, Dr. Bleher!